Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Hammond Product Sk1-88 at AMAC Australia HammondCast

*WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: New Hammond Product Sk1-88 at AMAC Australia HammondCast Jon Hammond archive Jon Hammond returns to AMAC The Australian Music Association Conference - here with the new Hammond SK-1-88 making it's first appearance in Australia courtesy of Bernies Music Land - Jon speaking with Bill Ferguson of Carlingford Music Centre a big Hammond organ outlet down under (in the heart of Sydney) and Robert Barbarossa of Bernies Music Land demonstrates some of the other remarkable sounds possible with the full-size 88 key version of the Sk1 Hammond Sk1-88 at AMAC The Australian Music Association Conference Jupiters Gold Coast 1 Casino Drive, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia 4218 Youtube Photo by Erika Kapin - Joe Berger and Jon Hammond at Junior Mance's Birthday Party & Concert event at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music - thanks for the great shot Erika! "Join us as we celebrate the 85th birthday and 75th year of performance of renowned pianist and faculty emeritus, Junior Mance" ... — with Les Paul and Joe Berger at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music Visit with Berklee's Innovation Strategy and Technology VP David Mash Jon's archive Jon Hammond's Visit with Berklee's Innovation Strategy and Technology VP David Mash in the Corporate Offices of Berklee College of Music Boston MA, kicking off Fall Semester of 2013 Check out David's site David Mash is Senior Vice President for Innovation, Strategy, and Technology at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, the world's leading institute of contemporary music. In previous roles at Berklee, David was the founding chair of the Music Synthesis Department, the first degree program in MIDI and music synthesis in the United States, now internationally recognized as the premier music technology program of its kind; as Assistant Dean of Curriculum for Academic Technology, David developed the Center for Technology in Music Instruction - a development center for supporting faculty's use of technology in their teaching, and helped design the Berklee Learning Center - the largest networked music learning facility in the country. The unique facilities for teaching David has designed have served as a model for interactive teaching environments at many major colleges and universities. From 1996 - 2005 David was Vice President for Information Technology, and was charged with the successful integration of technology into all college processes. In 2005, as Vice President fro Technology and Education Outreach, he began working to expand Berklee's City Music program into a national initiative through the Berklee City Music Network, which is now providing after-school music programs at no cost to middle- and high-school teens from underserved communities at 32 sites across the country. In order to provide access to excellent curriculum and learning materials, he helped to build the Berklee PULSE music method. Most recently, David led the development of a new online learning platform for enrolled students at Berklee called InsideBerklee. As a leading authority on music technology and education, David Mash has been featured on national and international media broadcasts such as 3-2-1-Contact, Newton's Apple, World Monitor, CBS Evening News, All Things Considered and Voice of America. He has also been featured on Apple Computer's video Macintosh, Music, and MIDI - The Open Door as well as BMG Victor's video Macintosh Music Bible Video - Volume 1 . He has been a pioneer in music and multimedia and composed the score for the digital movie Maria Lionza that won the 1992 International QuickTime Movie Festival award for best documentary, and is available on CD-ROM from Sumeria QuickTime: The CD 1992. He was affiliated with the Kodak Center for Creative Imaging in Camden, Maine, and taught the first music and multimedia courses offered at the center. David has collaborated on development and artistic projects with leaders in the multimedia and music industries such as Kodak, Adobe Systems, Digidesign, Opcode, and Korg and has consulted on product development for many manufacturers of music technology products. Rolling Stone magazine has called David "the industry's leading evangelist for the marriage of music and technology." David was named an AppleMaster by Apple Computer for his contributions to the fields of music, technology, and education. David is past International Chair for Electronic Music for the International Association of Jazz Educators, and maintains an active schedule as speaker and presenter at national and international clinics and workshops on art, technology, and education. He has also been the recipient of grants, fellowships, and awards including a finishing grant from Apple Computer, the Arts Partnership grant for Composition/Performance, and Jazz Composition Fellowship from the Mass Council on the Arts and Humanities. David's publications include • Musicians and the Internet, Warner Brothers • Musicians and Computers, Warner Brothers • Musicians and Multimedia, Warner Brothers • Musicians and Computers Interactive, Warner Brothers • Macintosh Multimedia Machine, Sybex • Computers and the Music Educator, Warner Brothers • "Guide to Instructional Computing"; National Association of Jazz Educators • "Digital Music Workstations as Creative Classroom Tools"; National Association of Jazz Educators • "Future Class"; Berklee Today • "Kurzweil 250 User's Guide"; Kurzweil Music Systems • "Technology for Teaching: Software, Synthesizers, and Sound Design"; Music Educators Journal Hammond and Mash at Frankfurt Musikmesse Hammond and Mash at NAMM Show Recent Berklee Alumni Dinner, San Francisco California - Berklee's Beverly Tryon on in foreground Blip TV Youtube 2 Detroiters: David Mash Dean of Technology Berklee College of Music here in his office with Larry Fredson, photo by Jon Hammond *Note: David did the deal with Apple to make Apple Mac Powerbooks standard for Berklee curriculum, and passed out 2,000 Apple Powerbooks to kick it off Jon Hammond 1974 Berklee — with David Mash at Berklee Film Scoring Jon's archive Jon Hammond visit with his piano teacher Tony Germain: "So good to see my piano teacher main man Tony Germain 40 years later from the first day we met on Scheduling Day 1973, looking good Tony! Greatest piano and Hammond organ teacher folks! Tony taught so many players well and created the organ department (long story!) Chairing the PIano Department, (he has a nice chair in his office and superb Steinway Grand Piano) - if you are lucky enough to be a student at Berklee and get to study with Tony Germain, then you are living under the lucky star - Tony is the Man!! Thanks for everything you showed me Tony, straightened me out big time" - Jon Hammond *Return of the Student - Here I am with my Piano Teacher main man Tony Germain 40 years to the day later from the first time we sat down together folks - interview coming soon, many thanks Tony! Jon Hammond Position: Assistant Chair Department: Piano "I think I might have been one of Berklee's first graduates with what today is called the performance major in piano. So as assistant chair, I have a vested interest in making sure we're still preparing piano, keyboard, and organ students, without being in any way style prejudiced. I also took the position to have a little bit more involvement with the curriculum—to see what I could personally add or help create." "When I went to Berklee, Ted Pease, Phil Wilson, and Mike Rendish were my role models and my teachers. They set the standard for what I'd become and how I would teach. They were all very good to me, and I could see how much they loved it. Here at Berklee, I'm giving back to something that has given me everything. I often describe Berklee as a musical Fantasy Island. I just don't know where else I'd be happy." "Prior to becoming assistant chair of the Piano Department, I taught pretty much everything across the board for 33 years: harmony, ear training, arranging, ensembles. I created the Harmonic Ear Training course and taught it from about 1978 until I became assistant chair. I'm equally in love with private and classroom teaching, and have done it all my adult life. I probably get more out of it than my students do. But hopefully I inspire students to further their interests in whichever style of performance they desire—it's my job to prepare them for the long haul. I still teach Survey of Piano Styles: History of Jazz Piano. I didn't want to give it up. And I didn't want to not teach entirely, because you lose touch if you're out of the classroom." Career Highlights B.M., Berklee College of Music Performances with Judy Garland, Herb Pomeroy, Joe Hunt, and Dick Johnson Musical director, Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well, Charles Playhouse Pianist and keyboardist with jazz and commercial groups Recordings include Forces with Jerry Tachoir; Risa's Waltz with Danny Harrington; Until Further Notice with Steve Rochinski; Sasha Sings Dinah, A Tribute to the Queen, Dinah Washington with Sasha Daltonn; Happy Talk with Christine Fawson; At Last with Kimberly Keating; Read Between the Lines with Jan Shapiro; Live at the Firehouse with Danny Harrington; The Berklee Great American Songbook series; and for Acuff-Rose, Nashville Published articles in Keyboard and Berklee Today magazines Professional performing and recording artist Television and radio experience, including Community Auditions/ Dave Maynard Talent Showcase, WBZ, Channel 4, Boston; Jack Harris Show, Detroit; Nick Clooney Show, Cincinnati; Music America, WGBH Radio, Boston; and Grand Ole Opry, Nashville Performer and clinician, Berklee on the Road programs in Umbria, Puerto Rico, and Los Angeles Leadership Stephany Tiernan Chair Tony Germain Assistant Chair — at Berklee College of Music — at Berklee College of Music Youtube New Hammond Product, Sk1-88, Sk1, Hammond organ, Australia, AMAC, Gold Coast, Jon Hammond, Bernie Capicchiano, Jupiters, Berklee College of Music, Suzuki Musical Instruments, Local 802, Musicians Union

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