Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jon's Blue Angels Clip + Driving Home From Solo Organ Music Gig

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon's Blue Angels Clip + Driving Home From Solo Organ Music Gig Jon's archive Youtube NMB Live Presents... Hi Jon - was this from San Francisco Fleet Week this last weekend? If so, it was being streamed live right here on NMB. NMB LIVE aka NuMuBu Tue., Oct. 11, 2016 - 11:27 PM Jon Hammond Thanks very much cats! Yes SF CA here, music from yesterday, I played 3 gigs in hospitals - recorded in Monophonic HiFi, back to Mono - glad you dug it...felt pretty good, I was ready to play 3 more gigs after the 3rd! Merci, best wishes from sunny California - sun just went down here, Jon Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Air Show, Blue Angels, San Francisco Bay, Golden Gate Bridge, Jon Hammond, Solo Organ gig, Hammond Organ The Blue Angels: Aerial Shower Effect - Jon Hammond Northbound on famous Golden Gate Bridge at dusk in the suicide lane - Jon Hammond Jon Hammond at the organ onstage at the famous The Fillmore Jon Hammond photo by Holda Paoletti-kampl - 30th year at Frankfurt musikmesse - appeared in Accordions Worldwide megasite "Musikmesse Mythe from USA Jon Hammond coming for the 30th year" LINK: Jon Hammond's Blue Angels Clip + Driving From Solo Organ Gig Music by the San Francisco Bay - Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond Organ Winter NAMM Show, L to R Jon Hammond, Masuo Terada, Shuji Suzuki - Suzuki Musical Instruments makers of Hammond Organs and Leslie Speaker products - soon will be appearing in Tokyo at Music Fair in Tokyo 2016 H.264 download download 1 file MPEG4 download download 1 file OGG VIDEO download download 1 file TORRENT download download 23 Files download 5 Original Producer Jon Hammond Language English Jon's archive Views 542 #542 Youtube 2,004 views #2004 Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Blue Angels, Fleet Week, 2012, SFO, United Airlines, F-22 Raptor, America's Pride, Jon Hammond Band, Airport, US Navy flight demonstration squadron, McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet America's pride The Blue Angels here at SFO to perform fearlessly in honor of Fleet Week 2012 with support from United Airlines Team at United Family Day very special annual event, special thanks to all these fine folks it takes to make it happen. From the Firefighters, to the Mechanics, Air Controllers, Crew, Food Preparations even the Imperial Storm Troopers from Star Wars were on hand for this very special family day - with music here from The Jon Hammond Band with special guest Lee Oskar harmonica, recent performance in Frankfurt Germany at the famous Jazzkeller "Tribute to 9/11 - Get Back In The Groove" Tony Lakatos tenor sax, Giovanni Gulino drums, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at Sk1 organ, enjoy folks! Sincerely, Jon Hammond Blue Angels, Fleet Week, SFO, United Airlines, F-22 Raptor, America's Pride, Jon Hammond Band, Airport "The mission of the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron is "to showcase the pride and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps by inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country through flight demonstrations and community outreach." Lockheed C-130 Hercules "Fat Albert" H.264 download download 1 file MPEG4 download download 1 file OGG VIDEO download download 1 file TORRENT download download 30 Files download 4 Original Run time 11 minutes 23 seconds Producer Jon Hammond Audio/Visual sound Jon's archive Views 832 #832 Jon's archive Views 173 #173 Youtube 189 views #189 Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Funk, Head Phone, NAMM Show, Bernard Purdie, Drums, Hammond Organ, Jon Hammond, Band, B3 organ Allowed on Timeline Side Camera - thanks Tino Pavlis & Joachim Wiesel Jon Hammond Band showcase for Hammond Organ USA / Suzuki Musical Instruments at The NAMM Show in honor of 80th anniversary of Hammond Organs on the Sound Soul Summit program - Jon Hammond original funk composition "Head Phone" featuring legendary Fatback Funk drummer Bernard "Pretty" Purdie and Jon's long-time colleague Joe Berger on guitar, from Tokyo Japan Koei Tanaka Suzuki Harmonica artist Suzuki Harmonica - Alex Budman tenor saxophone and Jon Hammond at the B3mk2 organ and high-power model 3300 Leslie Speaker with FOH mix by Brian English Audio Denny Mack - MC Stephen Fortner & Scott May Side Camera - thanks Tino Pavlis & Joachim Wiesel Jon Hammond Band showcase for Hammond Organ USA / Suzuki Musical Instruments at The NAMM Show in honor of 80th anniversary of Hammond Organs on the Sound Soul Summit program *Note: Jon Hammond Band played immediately before the late great KEITH EMERSON on the program, Keith was up next - Jon Hammond original funk composition "Head Phone" featuring legendary Fatback Funk drummer Bernard "Pretty" Purdie and Jon's long-time colleague Joe Berger on guitar, from Tokyo Japan Koei Tanaka Suzuki Harmonicas artist Suzuki Harmonica - Alex Budman tenor saxophone and Jon Hammond at the B3mk2 organ and high-power model 3300 Leslie Speaker with FOH mix by Brian English Audio Denny Mack - Youtube LINK: - MC Stephen Fortner and Scott May Producer Jon Hammond Language English Interviews Sennheiser Jon Hammond Headphones Microphones Organ Accordion Music Archive NAMM Musikmesse L to R Dr. Andreas Sennheiser, Jon Hammond, Daniel Sennheiser Jon's archive Sennheiser (headphones) Momentum series with tribute to Lutz Büchner on solo section: Head Phone stick with Sennheiser (headphones) Jon Hammond's 20th annual Musikmesse Session in Jazzkeller Hofheim - funky jazz with Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Peter Klohmann tenor saxo, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ - Jon's keyboard stand by Bespeco Professional, Audio: Philipp, Konrad Neupert, Marvin Gans Jazzkeller Hofheim Team - special thanks Jeff Guilford / JJ guitars for operating the camera Sennheiser HD 25-1 NAMM Oral History Interview Jon Hammond by Dan Del Fiorentino and Tony Arambarri Jon's archive Views 144 #144 Youtube 275 views #275 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Topics NAMM Oral History, Musikmesse, Mini-B, NAMM, G37, G27, Leslie Speaker, Onions, Jazz, Blues, Musicians Union, Local 802, ASCAP, KYOU Radio, Anaheim, Frankfurt, B3 Organ, XB-2, Leslie Speaker Jon's archive Views 290 #290 Youtube 262 views #262 Jon Hammond Band Musikmesse Warm Up Party 2013 Blues
 Jon Hammond zum 27. Mal auf der Musikmesse
Nomen est omen. Der Mann heißt Hammond und spielt eine Hammond. Der Organist aus New York freut sich auf Frankfurt und lädt zur Musikmesse Warm Up Party am 9.4. in den Jazzkeller Jon Hammond Music Travel and Soft News By Jon Hammond's Podcast 3m 46s - 
JOURNAL FRANKFURT: Was war für Sie zuerst da - die Frankfurter Musikmesse oder Auftritte im Jazzkeller?
Jon Hammond: Die Musikmesse. Ich kam 1987 zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt, zusammen mit Joe Berger, der auf der Messe für Engl Amplifiers spielte. Wir flogen mit der Lufthansa ein und teilten uns ein Zimmer im berühmten Prinz Otto Hotel am Hauptbahnhof. Schon in der ersten Nacht stellte mir Joe den großen John Entwistle, den Bassisten von The Who vor. Es wurde eine lange Nacht, in der wir Cognac tranken und Erdnüsse knabberten in eiern Suite des Marriott Hotels. Ich habe Joe bei einer Session mit John und Ringo Starrs Sohn Zak Starkey im Dorian Grey Club gefilmt bei einer Soundcheck Party. In den ersten paar Jahren spielte ich nicht oft live weil ich noch keine transportierbare Hammond Orgel hatte vor 1991 als ich den Prototyp einer XB-2 Hammond Orgel bekam mit der ich dann um die Welt reiste. Hauptsächliche dokumenierte ich aber die Messe für meine Cable TV Show in New York, die inzwischen im 29. Jahr als The Jon Hammond Show -- Music, Travel and Soft News präsentiert. Die harten Nachrichten überlasse ich CNN und den großen Networks (lacht). Vom ersten Jahr an fühlten wir uns der Musikmesse eng verbunden, haben seitdem eine tolle Zeit hier, kommen jedes Jahr wieder bis wir kleine, alte Männer sind.

Das Jazzkeller-Konzert am Vorabend der Musikmesse ist zu einer netten Tradition geworden - wie kam es dazu, was bedeutet es Ihnen und wir werden Sie dieses Jahr diesen Abend im Jazzkeller zelebrieren?
Ab 1991 lernte ich mehr und mehr Musikmesse-Menschen kennen und die mich und auch einiges von meiner Musik. Einige von ihnen ermunterten mich, doch auch für Auftritte nach Deutschland zu kommen weil es hier doch ein Interesse an Hammond-Orgel-Groove-Music gab. Mit der schon erwähnten, kleinen, kompakten aber sehr kraftvollen Orgel war das alles möglich. Zudem machte ich in New York gerade eine schwere Zeit durch, mein Vater war gestorben und ich hatte das Gefühl, einige Veränderungen könnten meinem Leben gut tun. Also kam ich nach Frankfurt mit meiner XB-2, allerdings mit einem Rückflugticket falls etwas schief gehen würde. Ich rief viele Musiker an, ließ sie wissen, ich bin jetzt da, lasst uns zusammen spielen. Das war für mich der Anfang einer langen, sehr speziellen Beziehung, vor allem zum Frankfurter Publikum nach ersten kleinen erfolgen im Jazzkeller und einer kurzen Auftritt im Hessen Report im Fernsehen. Beatrix Rief verdanke ich dieses "lucky light on me", eine tolle Erfahrung. Seitdem nenne ich Frankfurt "My Good Luck City" und im Jazzkeller begann auch alles für mich als Musiker. Deshalb liegt mir der Club auch so nah am Herzen, deshalb hatte ich auch die Idee, meine "Musikmesse Warm Up Party" dort zu realisieren, immer in der Nacht bevor die Messe startet was zu einer schönen Tradition wurde. Im ersten Jahr, in dem ich dann auch ein wenig Sponsoring von Philip Morris bekam, konnte ich damit einige Flugtickets für befreundete Musik bezahlen. Darüber war ich sehr glücklich. Dabei rauche ich selbst gar nicht. 
Für ein wenig Promotion für die Musikmesse. Wir nannten das Programm für die AFN "Profile TV "-Show "Sound Police". Wir hatten viel Spaß. Kein Wunder also, dass ich Frankfurt als my home away from home begreife und ich mich jedes Mal wieder freue zur Musikmesse zu reisen, in diesem Jahr übrigens zum 27. Mal in Folge. Und ich bin diesmal besonders aufgeregt, heim nach Frankfurt zu kommen weil ich gerade 60 Jahre alt geworden bin.

Wer wird in diesem Jahr zum Gelingen des Konzertes mit teils komponierter, teils improvisierter Musik, so nehme ich an, beitragen und was für einen Sound wird die Band präsentieren?
Ich habe etwa 90% der Kompositionen geschrieben, die wir spielen werden. Es ist die Musik, die man auch in meiner New Yorker TV-Show hören kann und die mich mehrmals um die Welt getragen hat. Meinen Stil nenne ich "Swinging Funky Jazz and Blues" und featurert die ganz wunderbaren Solisten in meine Band: Tony Lakatos, den großen ungarischen Tenorsaxophonisten, der auch Mitglied in der hr Bigband ist, dann meinen alten Freund Totó Giovanni Gulino, diesen tollen Schlagzeuger, Und das unterziehe ich jetzt einen echten Härttest (lacht).
27. März 2013 Interview: Detlef Kinsler — with Tony Lakatos, Joe Berger, Totó Giovanni Gulino, Pmauriat Albest, Jon Hammond Band and P Mauriat HQ at Jazzkeller.. Podomatic Jon's archive Youtube Vimeo Facebook video Note from Jon Hammond Video: Tino Pavlis​ Best Party of The Year! Jon Hammond’s annual musikmesse​ Warm Up Party in Jazzkeller​ Tuesday April 5th 2016 celebrating 30 years Jon Hammond​ – organ Joe Berger​ – guitar Peter Klohmann​ – saxophone Giovanni Totò Gulino​ – drums Mr. Hammond has toured worldwide since 1991 using the incredible Sk1 organ by Hammond Suzuki..™ “Classic Hammond Sound…In A Suitcase!” The Jon Hammond Show is a funky swinging instrumental revue, featuring top international soloists. The show has universal appeal. Big Hammond orgel sound – 100% organic - Jon's birthday cake by Saray Pastanesi​ Jon Hammond Band​ Frankfurt to Nashville With Detour to Hollywood Musikmesse ASCAP Expo Summer NAMM Show Jon's archive Sennheiser In The News led by system designer Norbert Hilbich AMBEO 3D audio soundscapes guidePORT system wow! Jon Hammond Courtesy of Installation AV integration in a networked world LINK Photo: Dave Robinson --Sennheiser audio solutions - Daniel Sennheiser, CEO of Sennheiser – pictured (centre) holding a replica of a 1968 set of Sennheiser headphones - Installation AV Says: "Sennheiser has announced a new collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London for the forthcoming exhibition You Say You Want a Revolution? Records & Rebels 1966 – 1970. The exhibition will open to the public on 10 September 2016 and run until 26 February 2017, following which it will tour internationally. Sennheiser will provide immersive sound utilising its AMBEO 3D audio technology delivered through a guidePORT audio guide system. Curated by Geoffrey Marsh and Victoria Broackes, the curatorial team behind the V&A’s David Bowie is, the new exhibition is designed in six distinct sections. It will explore the late 1960s through hundreds of exhibits from the V&A’s extensive collections alongside a selection of loans that range from design, music, film, fashion and consumer products to photography, posters and books. It is designed by Nissen Richards Studio, with video content designed by Fray studio, and sound design by Carolyn Downing. Music will play a key role in the exhibition, said Broakes: “The music running through You Say You Want a Revolution will represent the backbone and heart of the exhibition; it will be an object in itself. Therefore, we are delighted to be working with Sennheiser once again. Their expertise in 3D immersive audio will push the limits of the sound experience still further.” Working closely with the exhibition’s sound designer Carolyn Downing, the Sennheiser team, led by system designer Norbert Hilbich (left of picture), will be setting up two AMBEO 3D audio soundscapes. One will place visitors in an immersive environment evoking the political issues and fight against censorship and the establishment of the late 1960s while the other will recreate a live concert atmosphere with upmixed audio material from the period. Hilbich told Installation that the new exhibition will contain a lot more music than David Bowie is. “We have quite a big bunch of songs that they think we should transfer to 3D audio, but the process is not finished. There are plenty of ideas – we now have to [think about] how we put it into operation, what will it sound like, which part of the songs we should take and so on.” After being set up in the studio, Hilbich added, the mix will be adjusted on site to suit the acoustics of the venue – as was also done with the Bowie exhibition. Visitors will be accompanied through the exhibition by a Sennheiser audio guide system. The guidePORT system will deliver hundreds of personal, automatically triggered stereo feeds simultaneously. It will transmit real-time, lip-sync audio to fully immerse visitors in the sights and sounds of the late 1960s. The system at the V&A will comprise 750 receiver units with high-quality headphones, along with several transmission and trigger units that will be hidden from sight. Robert Genereux (right of picture), business director system design at Sennheiser, said: “The headphone part [using the guidePORT system] will be similar, but along the way they are going to create ‘disturbances’ in the headphone experience in different sections. This will be a little bit of a difference [from] the guidePORT experience for Bowie, which is uniform all the way from the beginning to the ‘show moment’.” Daniel Sennheiser, CEO of Sennheiser – pictured (centre) holding a replica of a 1968 set of Sennheiser headphones – commented: “We are absolutely thrilled to cooperate with the Victoria and Albert Museum on yet another fantastic project. The V&A is uniquely positioned to curate an exhibition about this transformational time in our more recent history. The artistic quality of the exhibition together with spectacular exhibits and an innovative state-of-the-art sound experience, featuring Sennheiser’s AMBEO 3D audio technology, will make this exhibition a truly immersive experience.” New: "PXC 550 WIRELESS TRANSFORM YOUR JOURNEY. UPGRADE TO FIRST CLASS." - Jon Hammond You’ve travelled a lot, in every class, but nothing compares to the experience of travelling with the PXC 550 Wireless. You’re on the move but always stay in touch. When moving in between places the PXC 550 Wireless is your ideal companion, keeping you connected and comfortable. Photo courtesy of PSN Europe: Dave Robinson Blue Angel Rocketing Straight Up in To The Skies - Jon Hammond All 6 Blue Angels in formation headed back to OAK after successful Air Show for Fleet Week 2016 San Francisco! - Jon Hammond Blue Angels, Dashcam, Fleet Week, Jon Hammond, Solo Organ, #Gig #BlueAngels #GoldenGate #HammondOrgan

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