Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hammond Report August 30 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Hammond Report August 30 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond

Jon's archive


Hammond Report August 30 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond

Hammond Report August 30 2020 from Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from organist & accordionist Jon Hammond - today's story about 25th year of my annual musikmesse Warm Up Party, playing down some tunes warming up for the warm up with 
Tony Lakatos
Joe Berger
Giovanni Totò Gulino
d. and yours truly Jon Hammond o. - the messe Frankfurt team brought me flowers to the 
and it was I think the first year I brought big chocolate cake from Mr. Tulan master baker - I'm playing my oldest XB-2 Hammond organ that I painted black, hear story - everybody stay safe out there, keep masking up in public! I'll be back tomorrow with another Hammond Report - 
Jon Hammond
Jon Hammond Band

Hammond Report, 30 August 2020, Jon Hammond, Music and Stories, Flower, Chocolate Cake, musikmesse, Jazz Gig, Party, Paint it Black

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